Thanksgiving Dinner Outreach: 10 complete uncooked turkey dinners will be given to needy families or individuals. Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall listing the food items needed. THAWED Turkeys will need to be delivered to the church by 10am Tues. Nov. 21st. Monetary donations can also be given to supplement the donated foods. If you know of anyone in need that would like to receive the dinner box and turkey, let Barbara Stone know. The sign-up sheets also include a Volunteer Sheet to help pack and deliver the boxes on Nov. 21st at 10:00am. Questions can be directed to Barbara Stone at 928-242-3202.
A Generous Donation From a Tucson Episcopal Family
Many thanks to Carl and Marilyn Caulkins for their generous donation of a house full of furniture and household items. The Caulkins family attends Christ the King Episcopal Church in Tucson. Recently, they decided to sell their vacation home near White Mountain Lake in Show Low and needed to remove all the furniture. They contacted Deacon Wendy Guyton and offered all to Church of Our Savior.
On Saturday, August 4th, Carl and Marilyn (son Ben a Christ the King Acolyte remained in Tucson to care for the family pets ) met with Father Kerry who had assembled a convey of pickup trucks and congregation members to help load, and within 2 hours had the job completed.
These items will be given to those in the community with a greater need, with some items placed on consignment to raise operating funds for COS.

Thanks again, Carl and Marilyn!!
Helping on Saturday were: Kerry, Wendy, Marilyn Caulkins, Carl Caulkins, Tom Wallis, Everett Peterson, Bill Paleck, Curt Prickett, Tim Wooley, Larry Watterworth, Alicia and Isaiah, and Joe Guyton