Thank You for Giving
It is universally known that that to give is to receive, that at the heart of the universe is a heart of love that embraces us and accepts us unconditionally. This heart of love (GOD) is the source of our life.
We are created for a purpose and given every resource to fulfill that purpose, for God is one of abundance -not scarcity.
Let us be at our best in manifesting our purpose. Together let us discover that giving of ourselves (our time, talent , and treasure) with a grateful spirit is the path that is life -giving.
Online Giving
The Church of Our Saviour (COS) invites you to contribute financially to the church electronically, online. When you choose to contribute online you have the option of selecting how you want to contribute, credit card or bank account, and to designate where COS uses your contributions. The General Fund covers church operational expenses (and is critical to COS existence). If you pledge you are not restricted to contributing you pledge amount. (We recommend you pledge as it helps us budget for the year, and helps you budget expenses.)
The link below takes you to the VANCO website in a new secure tab. There you can select how you wish to donate. After donating you can simply close the tab, which will return you to this page.