Get Involved
There are almost as many ways to get involved as there are days in a month. Here is a reasonably complete list, but more may be added, and if you have a way you want to get involved that isn’t listed suggest it.
- Worship
- Greeter
- Usher/Oblation Bearer
- Reader
- Acolyte
- Music (musician or singer)
- Service
- Altar Guild
- Visitation/Caregiver
- Inreach
- Prayer Group
- Outreach
- Administration
- Vestry
- Office
- Finance Committee
- Maintenance
- Education
- Library
- Studies
Contemplative Eucharist/Centering Prayer
Join us on special Sundays for a Contemplative Eucharist. The meditative rhythm of instrument music, prayer, and silence with readings from mystical traditions allow for a rich contemplative experience. Please see our Calendar for the future dates.
We have at least one fellowship event each month. Check the calendar for the actual dates, but generally:
- January, Mama Mia (Italian dinner)
- February, Pancake Dinner (on Fat Tuesday so this moves).
- March, Chili Cook Off (bring a pot of your best chili to enter, or just enjoy the choices).
- April, Taco Tuesday (and other delicious Mexican dishes).
- May, Volunteer Appreciation Dinner (volunteer during the year to receive an invitation).
- June, Cajun Dinner (authentic Cajun dishes, expertly prepared).
- July, Barbecue at the Hileman’s (ribs and such).
- August, Beef and Brew (our fundraiser to support local feed the hungry organizations).
- September, Church in the Pines (Sunday service and picnic at Woodland Lake Park).
- September, Dinner under the Silvery Moon (on or near the full moon).
- September, Annual Meeting Spaghetti Dinner (business and food).
- October, Oktoberfest (only we spell it Octoberfest).
- November, Thanksgiving Meals (we prepare and deliver Thanksgiving meals around town).
- December, Cookie Exchange (like a gift exchange, but edible).
- December, Christmas Eve Dinner (so we don’t interrupt your Christmas meal).
- Fourth Sunday Breakfast, we come together for breakfast (suggested donation $5.00 per person) after the morning service on the last Sunday of the month.
- Campfire singalongs, During the summer we meet one evening a month for music and snacks. Bring your singing voice.
- Coffee Hour, join us each Sunday after the service for coffee and pastries. It’s an informal way to meet parish members and ask any questions you have about getting connected!
- Ladies Out to Lunch (LoL), the ladies go out to lunch generally on the first Thursday of each month.
- Men’s Barbecue, not to be left out, the men meet once a month too. Bring something to barbecue and a side dish or snack to share.