A Generous Donation from a Tucson Episcopal Family

Many thanks to Carl and Marilyn Caulkins for their generous donation of a house full of furniture and household items. The Caulkins family attends Christ the King Episcopal Church in Tucson. Recently, they decided to sell their vacation home near White Mountain Lake in Show Low and needed to remove all the furniture. They contacted Deacon Wendy Guyton and offered all to Church of Our Savior.

On Saturday, August 4th, Carl and Marilyn (son Ben a Christ the King Acolyte remained in Tucson to care for the family pets ) met with Father Kerry who had assembled a convey of pickup trucks and congregation members to help load, and within 2 hours had the job completed.

These items will be given to those in the community with a greater need, with some items placed on consignment to raise operating funds for COS.

Thanks again, Carl and Marilyn!!

Helping on Saturday were: Kerry, Wendy, Marilyn Caulkins, Carl Caulkins, Tom Wallis, Everett Peterson, Bill Paleck, Curt Prickett, Tim Wooley, Larry Watterworth, Alicia and Isaiah, and Joe Guyton

Iglesia San Marcos – Mothers Day Food Distribution

Our sister church needs your support:

Imagine what it would be like if we not only had stay-at-home orders but in addition there was virtually no way to get to a grocery store – our pantries and freezers would become bare, and then how would we get basic necessities to feed our families?  This is reality for Iglesia San Marcos, our sister church in the northeasternmost part of Honduras.       This is a very poor region where people depend on public transportation as their only means of getting to shopping, medical care, etc.  There are no grocery stores within a day’s walk. 

Like the rest of the world, COVID19 is in this region and the government has imposed strict stay-at-home orders which means that the public transportation services are not running. Thus, most of the people living in northeastern Honduras cannot get to grocery stores.  The exception is the very few who own private vehicles; they charge exorbitant fees to take people to the next town where there is a grocery store – these people are too poor, because of COVID19 precautions, many are not able to work so they have no income.     In early April the Church of Our Saviour family and the Medical Team who hold a clinic in San Marcos annually generously  donated funds for the purpose of providing foods to the very needy families served by Iglesia San Marcos and the surrounding communities.  The monies were sent to a highly trusted member of Iglesia San Marcos; her daughter in Georgia helped to coordinate funds and logistics including paying for a grocery store delivery fee to San Marcos.  Enough money was collected to purchase beans, rice, soap, cooking oil, salt, pasta and tomato sauce, and eggs to fill bags that were distributed to 94 families!  pictures of some delighted recipients are on the COS website.The stay-at-home order will not be lifted before the groceries need to be replenished.  More money is trickling in but so far there is about half as much as the amount that was sent a few weeks ago.  The funds that have been collected will be sent to buy more foodstuffs.  We have been asked if it might be possible to send money in time for to shop, package, and do a second distribution on Mother’s Day.     

Blessings for your continued generosity.  In His Name,

Barbara Stone–

The video shows a snapshot of the community of Iglesia San Marcos and the efforts to organize to assist families during this time of crises.

Church of Our Saviour is committed to support families living in Iglesia San Marcos. Currently we are providing funds to hire a driver and truck to go to a nearby city to purchase food. You can donate by clicking the donate button and selecting the Church Discretionary Funds Money will be sent to an identified person who is helping us distribute food to families.