Phase Three 2021 Landscaping Completed

Three trees were planted as part of the third phase of the 2021 landscaping project: a blue spruce, an aspen, and a blaze maple.

 Using 2023 Celebration of Life donations, a memorial wall behind the vestry is under construction. The plan is to erect a 5-course block wall around a tree, and affix 34 name plaques of the deceased honored in June 2023. Since the Church of our Saviour columbarium is nearly full, this wall will help fill the need for another memorial space.

Church Expansion May 17

Here are four short video clips of the progress on the church expansion. Dick reported on Sunday that everything is going to plan and he is very happy. Things will look different when we finally get to gather together again.

Inside of the church. Zoom Coffee Hour is going on while this was video.
Construction in front of church. Watch your step!
Going inside of hall. Plastic is there to cover opening where the doors and windows used to be.
View of the new foundation and front yard. Love hearing the birds!