- Thursday, August 1, Beef and Brew Evening Gala Doors open at 5:30 and Prime Rib served at 7:30 p.m. The Fat Chance Dance Band will be the featured entertainment. Wine and beer from the Pinetop Brewers. Enjoy bidding on themed baskets and auction items. Its a night not to miss! Proceeds from this event support Meals on Wheels and the White Mountain Homeless Coalition, and expanding the Church of Our Saviour’s ability to host community outreach ministries.
- Sunday, August 4, First Fruits Sunday. Please bring canned goods and toiletries for the SAFE House.
- Sunday, August 18, Sunday at the Park. 9 to 2 p.m. Church Service outside and picnic afterwards.
- Sunday, August 25, Annual Meeting after service
July 2019 Campfire Pictures!

2019 Church BBQ Pictures!
As everyone expected, a great time was had by all. Wonderful ribs and all the goodies that go with a great BBQ. Thanks to the Hilemans for hosting this wonderful event. Can’t wait for next year!

July 2019 Happenings
- Sunday, July 7 – Visitation by The Rt. Rev. Jennifer A. Randall, Bishop of Arizona
- Sunday, July 7 – First Fruits Sunday Please bring canned goods and toiletries for the SAFE House, see list of needed items in the hall.
- Thursday July 11, 11:30 AM – LOL (Ladies Out to Lunch) at the Show. Low Cafe
- Saturday, July 13 12:30 PM. BBQ Picnic. Information about purchasing a ticket is available at coffee hour or contacting office. Maps are available in hall.
- Thursday, July 18, 6:30 PM Campfire Party! Join us for an evening of music and storytelling. Bring snacks, drinks, dessert to share and your lawn chair! 5685 Scotts Drive Lakeside
- Friday, July 19, 9 AM – Stitches in Faith in Parish Hall
- Thursday, July 25, 5:30 PM – Men’s Group BBQ at the church hall. Bring your own protein for the grill.
- Starting Wednesday, July 31, 10 AM – AWE & Wonder: Lifellong Learning Series. Exploring how life’s anecdotes are connected to life’s deepest questions. This is the inaugural session – future days and time will be decided!
Changing Your View
The common view is we are donkeys pulling a cart. There is a driver behind us, holding a stick and waving a carrot before us. We are trying to avoid the stick, and reach for the carrot. The driver is God, whom we cannot see because He is behind us and we wear blinders, holds and controls the stick, Hell and judgment, and waves the carrot, Heaven, before us. The cart, God’s Plan, is the task we move to some completion.
Change your view. You, we, I are not separate from God’s plan, and are not separate from God. We are NOT God, but IN God, indivisible from God, for without God we would not be. In this view (if you must hold on to the analogy), the cart, driver, and donkey are one. There is no need for a carrot or a stick, because we are a unit, an entity.
The cart, driver, donkey, stick, and carrot have, through the ages, been our world view. It’s expressed in the Bible, but now we can better understand, by experience, Creation, God, and ourselves. We are not alone, separate, burdened, fearing punishment, hoping for blessing. We are, well, not exactly a team, but a whole. And as such we are Whole.
You can go through life with the cart and donkey world view, if you find it difficult to leave that theology behind. I just suggest you try a new view, maybe a better picture (Not by any means totally accurate, but evolving), until we grow more.
Building Fund Status
As of April 1, 2019 building fund donations total over $120,000.