

It’s Time to Plan for Next Year
Pledge Cards are coming (and here)

As the end of the year approaches it’s time to plan for the coming year. One way we do this as a church is establishing the budget for the coming year. To establish a realistic budget we ask you to let us know how much you plan to give next year. In the next few weeks we will provide pledge cards for you to fill out and return (Your pledge and pledge status are confidential and reported only to you. The treasurer issues these reports this quarterly, and in January for your income tax reporting). You can pledge a one time donation, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually.

Your pledge is only a planning tool, not a contractually binding promise. Should you need to change your pledge simply speak to the treasurer (and only to the treasurer) to adjust it.

Phase Three 2021 Landscaping Completed

Three trees were planted as part of the third phase of the 2021 landscaping project: a blue spruce, an aspen, and a blaze maple.

 Using 2023 Celebration of Life donations, a memorial wall behind the vestry is under construction. The plan is to erect a 5-course block wall around a tree, and affix 34 name plaques of the deceased honored in June 2023. Since the Church of our Saviour columbarium is nearly full, this wall will help fill the need for another memorial space.

Perfection in Our Flaws

By: Carolyn Ancell

Flaws, everybody’s got ’em. You can bet your last two dollars.

There ain’t no 10s. All them flaws, The ones you came with, and (the ones that got caused).

We all got flaws. — ‘Flaws,’ song by Alan Jackson, edited

Salvador Dali said, ‘Have no fear of perfection — you’ll never reach it.’ Despite the airbrushed 10s on magazine covers, the sports stars breaking records, the artists, scientists and academics carrying imagination and knowledge to new heights, we are human, every one of us flawed.

Jesus said, ‘So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect’ (Matthew 5:48). He wasn’t meaning that we should, or even could, make ourselves perfect, rather that we might forever strive to improve. And he certainly wasn’t talking about physical perfection.

When I was young, I stressed about my too-curly hair, my crooked teeth, my inability to stand on one foot. Now that I am old, I stress over loss of physical strength, memory glitches, and — still — my inability to stand on one foot. I am flawed.

Should never be ashamed, embarrassed or afraid ‘Cause everyone has something they don’t like.

Remember, we’re all made with water, dirt and grace.

We’re all perfect in the eyes that see. — Jackson Some of our physical, mental or emotional ‘flaws’ are inherited.

Some are caused by aging, injury or illness. Some we cause ourselves by not seeing ourselves as God sees us. We are anxious, we compare ourselves to others, we are self-deprecating, we are impatient with ourselves and others. We are unable or unwilling to see the God-given beauty we do possess, in abundance.

Only God is perfect. We are flawed. But therein — potentially — lies our perfection.

All those beautiful flaws Staring back at me Every scar … makes me a masterpiece. — ‘Flaws,’ song by Lily


Rather than obsessing over perfection, artists and architects of our medieval past, and some present cultural communities, do not find a work complete until it contains a flaw.

‘Medieval masons believed that only God could be perfect, or create perfection, and though cathedrals were built to glorify God, they were built by people, so they must contain flaws. They built their humanity into the building, in the form of human mistakes, to remind them of the power of God,’ said Jay Hulme, writer and poet.

That God is perfect and humans are not is also a principle in Islamic architecture. The beautifully decorated vaulted ceilings of many mosques in the Arab world appear symmetric but have minor intentional irregularities imperceptible to most visitors.

Since the 16th century, influenced by the Zen Buddhist principle of wabi-sabi, Japanese artists have created deliberate imperfections in their art. Wabi indicates the imperfection, impermanence and incompleteness of beauty itself. Sabi reflects the beauty of things as they age, like the patina on old metal. How might we apply wabi-sabi to ourselves?

In Japan, we also find kintsugi, the art of repairing broken pottery by mending the cracks and flaws with lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver or platinum, making the bowl or pot more beautiful in its broken state than it was when it was whole.

Applying kintsugi to ourselves, we might ask: Do we fill our imperfections, our incompleteness, our cracks and flaws with the gold of God’s ever-creative Spirit? If we observe what we define as a flaw in another, do we fill it with judgment, disapproval and disdain, or with the gold of God’s unconditional love? If we sense cracks in the perfection in the world around us, do we fill those
cracks with criticism, and divisive thoughts and words that make the cracks larger; or do we fill the cracks with the shimmering gold of our active contributions, and encouraging thoughts and words? So, yes, we are flawed. Let our flaws be divine opportunities. Let us celebrate our flaws, and open them to the gold.

Oh that’s flawless, isn’t it? — Jackson

Carolyn Ancell

Carolyn Ancell, a writer, therapeutic harpist and interfaith minister, lives in Sun City Oro Valley with her
husband, Ron

Courtey of the Arizona Daily Star

Copyright © 2023 Arizona Daily Star

Bring on the Bells!


The Bells have finally arrived. 

Anyone who is interested in joining the COS Bell Choir, please contact Carolyn Chapman. If you know of anyone who is not a member of the church who would like to “ring the bells” please have them contact me at 619-916-8420.

Rehearsal: Friday, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

A Generous Donation from a Tucson Episcopal Family

Many thanks to Carl and Marilyn Caulkins for their generous donation of a house full of furniture and household items. The Caulkins family attends Christ the King Episcopal Church in Tucson. Recently, they decided to sell their vacation home near White Mountain Lake in Show Low and needed to remove all the furniture. They contacted Deacon Wendy Guyton and offered all to Church of Our Savior.

On Saturday, August 4th, Carl and Marilyn (son Ben a Christ the King Acolyte remained in Tucson to care for the family pets ) met with Father Kerry who had assembled a convey of pickup trucks and congregation members to help load, and within 2 hours had the job completed.

These items will be given to those in the community with a greater need, with some items placed on consignment to raise operating funds for COS.

Thanks again, Carl and Marilyn!!

Helping on Saturday were: Kerry, Wendy, Marilyn Caulkins, Carl Caulkins, Tom Wallis, Everett Peterson, Bill Paleck, Curt Prickett, Tim Wooley, Larry Watterworth, Alicia and Isaiah, and Joe Guyton


A great time, a great party with lots of Fellowship, Food, Beer and Wine, and Fun for all who attended.

Thanks to all the planners, organizers, servers, and donors! An album of photos from the event is on our website. If you have photos you would like to share please send them to Joe Guyton at jjguytonjr@gmail.com to be added to the album.

Check them out at: https://churchofoursaviourwm.org/beef-and-brew-august-2023/

Women at the Well (W@tW)

Women at the Well (W@tW).  Please join this group meeting on Wednesday, September 5th and 19th, from 1:00 to 3:00PM (For location please refer to our Calendar on the home page). We will break out into small groups so all can participate.  This is a time for sharing and what we say doesn’t leave the room.  We can talk about how media, books, and real world situations influence our faith.  What can we do about it?  We can share ideas from the books we are reading to “spread the word” about how God is in our lives. We’ll meet every 3 to 4 weeks between June 1 and Sept. 30; that will be decided by our participants.  We might decide to meet in a home, we might decide to bring snacks to share, we might decide to read a book to discuss; that will be up to those who come.