The Church of Our Saviour welcomes you to an energized and inclusive community of people seeking God’s transforming presence.
Join us in experiencing Christ’s love in a progressive diverse congregation that celebrates individuals and their unique gifts.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome and have a place. here.
Come and find a safe place to connect your spirit and your mind, your inner and outer self.
We invite you to take part in:
- Liturgies that are rich and innovative.
- Spiritual formation.
- Outreach action to build a more just community.
Our Purpose
We exist to enable people to discover and lovingly manifest their God given purpose in such way that they are a blessing to others.
Our Goal
Our goal is to create a purpose centered life in which we say: Yes to God, Yes to our neighbor, Yes to our self!
Our core values are:
- Rich and engaging liturgy/worship.
- Strong bonds of community through acceptance and appreciative inquiry.
- Spiritual formation/training formation through life-long learning.
- Outreach in social action to enrich and aid the community we live in; Inreach to be a caring presence to one another!
Read more about how we see the Bible and Christianity or find more ways to get involved!
We Are Growing
If you attended during this last summer you notice we were squeezed in. We are friendly and a close group, but we also enjoy breathing space. (We are overjoyed to have this problem opportunity.) As a temporary solution this last summer we went to two Sunday services. Our longer range plan is to expand the sanctuary and the area of Poly Carp Hall (coffee hour was crowded too, happily). After vestry and congregation approval we are moving forward with the building expansion project (follow the link below). With your wonderful support we expect to have the expansion complete by next (2019) summer.
Welcome to the Church of Our Saviour, a loving community that empowers and encourages all people, just as God created them, to grow in faith and do God’s work in the world. We are a congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona in communion with the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). No matter where you are on your journey of faith, our welcome knows no boundaries of age, race, ethnicity, culture, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, economic condition, or physical or mental ability.
At the heart of the universe is a heart of love that embraces you and accepts you unconditionally.
This heart of love, the source of our existence and life.
This loving heart created us for a purpose and has given us every resource we need to fulfill that purpose.
We strive to know all people to use their unique spiritual and theological understanding and a foundation for creating a purpose-centered life.
-Rev. Kerry